Hi all,
We got some stuff done this past week or so, there are some questions for everyone below: Catrina is hard at work on the alphabet orgs awards. We have 4 embroidered coolers that will be given out at the AERC convention in March and one for the Eventing crowd (not sure if it’s given at the convention or not). She and Betsy are taking over in-house (presented at our convention) awards too. I’m sure we’ll see some great ideas and awards. We’re figuring out what the ATAA can offer members to promote the AT. Tish has done up a proposal and will work on a CD so that people can print up their own brochures, breeder’s lists etc. That way, we don’t need to print and ship a huge bunch of brochures. I did get permission from Monica Bretherton to use the tri-fold she did up as a back-up for the WEG. We can add a blurb about the ATAA and leave a space for people’s farm info and our contact info. We came up with an amount of $150 to offer members going to expos and Catrina, Tish, Amrita, Jas, Betsy and Cathy voted for it. I did send out an email to the membership about people going to Expos and/or ideas, but have heard nothing back. We’ve received renewals for the Clubs and Associations insurance ($500) and the Fidelity Bond ($111). I’ve sent the first to Amrita already, will send the second within a day or so. January Newsletter is out, email version already gone out, paper to go out as soon as I get to the post office (Monday or Tuesday). We’re still working on the 2013 budget – changes to the email I sent out before: Tish would like to have $750 available for promotions. We spent $200 on USDF for awards last year, $150 for Fotata awards and $287 for ‘awards’, not sure exactly what that was. We will have some more money going out for awards given in 2013 for awards earned in 2012 (clear as mud). So that is $637 for last year. I expect we’ll have more awards this year so we probably need a bit more for 2013, maybe up to $750 or $1000? What does everyone think? We’re almost ready to start issuing registration certificates. There have been some significant ‘roadblocks’ in getting to this point. We’re still learning Lucy’s system and Mac doesn’t translate very well to PC. I’ve had to reformat quite a few things to get them to print correctly. Amrita has bought some nice paper and we’re deciding which one looks best. Terri is working on the 2013 Conference – at this point, she’s thinking late September. If anyone has plans in September, contact her now! Terri and I will be sending out a mailing for the Conference and membership renewal and new memberships in February (I think). We’ve already gotten 26 renewals (counting lifetime members too) with 6 of those being completely new members. The ‘early renewal’ before Dec. 31st worked well and the presentation halter goes to Scott Sears, DVM. Thanks to Shannon Mayfield for making it – I’m hoping Scott will take a photo of his horse with it on and send it to us. So, lots of stuff accomplished and plenty more ‘in progress’. Good work ladies! Cathy
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Renew before March 2013 to be able to vote in the fall! Hi everyone,
October is coming and I’m working on the next newsletter. Please send me your farm reports, foal photos, competition results and any and all other articles that might be of interest to our members. Also, remember that each active member gets a free classified ad. Deadline will be October 8th. Thanks everyone! Cathy Hi all,
We had a very busy week! Here is the synopsis, including the approved motions from the Conference. 1. 2012 Conference done! We had around 40 people (not all came to every part of the Conference) and all reports seem to be favorable. 2. 2013 Conference to be held in MN with Terri Fender and Brad Sherman co-hosting. Terri is already starting to plan. I think we’ll have quite a few more attendees, judging from emails of people that wanted to come this year, but couldn’t. 3. Filed 2011 taxes with the IRS 4. Found out what to do to operate as a ‘foreign corporation’ out of WA state. This will mean that the Association still is incorporated in Missouri (so we don’t need to file for tax exempt status again), but our registered agent will reside in WA state. 5. Letter ready for non-performing BOD members, will go out Monday. 6. Silent Auction went very well. $581 in profits, thank you notes to go out to all donors this next week. The online bidding option worked quite well, thanks to Amrita and Jenny for making it happen. 7. Almost done with General Membership Meeting minutes and BOD meeting minutes, which will go on the website. Motions approved at General membership Meeting: Motion- Jas motions to approve 2011 General Membership Meeting minutes, Amrita seconds, approved Motion- Cathy motions to approve putting a monthly summary of Treasury reports on the ATAA website, Jas seconds, approved Motion-Amrita motions that we use profit from the Silent Auction to set up fund to help register horses and to make a plan, Jas seconds, approved Motion- Ann motions to have Amrita look into VNIIK registration for all ATAA horses, Catrina seconds, approved Motion- Catrina motions to put pending registration on website with horse name ONLY. Jas seconds, approved Results of voting: 3 year terms to Amrita Ibold and Tish Saare. 1 year terms taking over non-performing members terms, Catrina Mettam and Betsy Wandler. Both Bylaws up for vote passed. Vote- No vet signature required on DNA reports – approved Motion-Jas motions to change to using University of Texas for our DNA testing, Catrina seconds, approved Motion-Monica motions that we put $500 into a starting up a scholarship fund, Betsy seconds, approved The next newsletter is in process, so send in your farm reports, foal photos, classifieds ads, etc. Great job everyone – let’s keep up the momentum. Cathy ![]() Hi everyone, This past week is a continuation of what we’ve been working on. 1. Jas is chair of the election committee and will be looking for people to run for office. The info and absentee ballots must go out to the membership at least 15 days prior to the General Membership meeting and will be opened at the meeting. If you know of someone who is interested and eligible, please contact Jas. 2. Terri is working on the Silent Auction. All monies will go to the ATAA. Amrita is posting items on the ATAA website. Let Terri know if you would like to donate anything. 3. I am going to start working on possible improvements to our Rules and Regulations, to be discussed at the meeting. If you have suggestions, please pass them on. 4. Shannon Mayfield will be doing the ATAA FOTATA awards at the Saturday night banquet. Make sure that you nominate anyone that is eligible. We are also hoping to do a preview of the awards that will be handed out at the big conventions (AERC, USDF, etc) 5. July newsletter is out. There was so much info I had to compress some of it. Yeah! 6. Start thinking about the agenda – what do we want to discuss? Please send any suggestions to me and I will put them in. a. Ranch membership and Family membership – we need to discuss these. Why is the Ranch membership $100 and the Family $80? Should it be changed? Only 2 months to go until the Conference. Let’s make it a really good one! Cathy |
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June 2021