Every issue of the ATAA Newsletter has been including a little bit about some of our members, both new and old. There are some new pieces up on this website here. Of course, you can join the ATAA and get the Newsletter yourself (and help promote, preserve and perpetuate the Akhal-Teke breed at the same time!)
Schedules are now up for the Rare Breeds Show; go here to see them.
All ATAA members should have received (or will be receiving in the real mailbox), their 2016 Membership Directories and the April ATAA Newsletter. PDFs were sent out Friday and Saturday, snail mail was sent Saturday. Now, back to the Rare Breed Show planning!
Cathy 2015 was the first year that the ATAA has done an Incentive Fund. It is to reward (in a small way) ATAA members competing ATAA registered horses at recognized events. 2015's Inaugural Incentive Awards split a pot of $350 between all the members that applied for it. We hope that in future years we will get many more people participating and have much more money in the pot. Thank you to Catrina Quantrell for doing all the work on this and sending out nice cards with handwritten notes to each recipient. . For more information on how YOU can take part in the Incentive Fund Awards, go HERE
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June 2021