The Akhal-Teke Horse Breed needs your help! The mission: To gather the funds, volunteers and materials to host a professional, artistic and informational booth on the Akhal-Teke horse breed, worldwide, at the 2018 World Equestrian Games in Tryon, NC, USA. The people: Everyone, worldwide, that is interested in promoting the Akhal-Teke, is invited to participate; with ideas, information, funds, photos, DVDs, etc. While the ATAA is spearheading the effort, you do not need to be a member to participate. This booth is about the BREED, not any country, organization or farm. Everyone is welcome to participate! The opportunity: Over 500,000 people are expected to be at the Tryon Equestrian Center in person with daily attendance of 40,000-50,000 people. This is the major international championship event for eight core equestrian disciplines and we will be there representing the Akhal-Teke in a professional and artistically-produced booth – a golden opportunity to build awareness and expand the market for our fantastic breed. BUT, WE NEED YOUR HELP! WE NEED TO HAVE AT LEAST $6000 PLEDGED BY MARCH 9TH TO MAKE THIS HAPPEN. We will need to put a deposit down by the middle of March and we need to know that we can afford it. The ATAA is a volunteer run, 501 (c) 5 non-profit breed organization, all donations are tax deductible. We do not have the funds to do this on our own, we need YOU! Please send your pledges to Cathy at [email protected] before March 9th, 2018. Or, donate directly below. Please send this message to anyone that might be interested or any businesses that may be willing to donate. Thank you!!
The ATAA is happy to announce that we have partnered with the AHA to bring our members a National Distance Championship! You must be an ATAA member and your horse must be ATAA registered. This will make you eligible for this year's Incentive Fund Awards of $3000!!! The ATAA spearheaded a full page, color ad in the February issue of the national magazine, Horse Illustrated. Thank you to everyone that participated in the ad! HI also ran a 2 page informational article with photos and there was a photo of an Akhal-Teke on the cover. That makes 2 national magazines with Tekes on the cover in the last few months! There was a photo of a Teke in the cover of the November issue of Equus. The word is getting out there and every person that joins the ATAA helps make that happen.
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