We have done a variety of promotions over the years, with the largest one in the past few years being the organization, filming and production of a new promotional DVD about the Akhal-Teke. We have the Rare Breeds Show for 2016 and who knows what else coming up.
Of course, each of these promotions costs money! The more members we have, the more funds we will have to promote our wonderful breed. So please, even if you aren't interested in awards (which we have), or a newsletter (which we have) or a great website (which we have) consider joining to help promote our breed! There IS strength in numbers! For membership info and to join online, click here: http://www.akhal-teke.org/membership.html
2016 Promotions:
Rare Breeds Show, dates and venue to be listed as soon as we know them.
2015 Promotions
Kentucky Horse Park Akhal-Teke Breeds Weekend: May 23rd - 24th Contact Tish Saare if you would like to participate at: [email protected] or call Tish at (530) 400-9909
HorseFlicks DVD for sale, prices below. If you are planning an Expo or Equine Trade Show, contact the secretary about Clubs and Associations Insurance, use of banners etc.
Pricing of DVDs:
Dvds up to 20: ATAA members: $6 per DVD includes shipping. Non-members:
$12 includes shipping.
20 Dvds: Members: $4 per DVD plus media mail shipping.
Non-members: $6 per DVD plus media mail shipping.
Please send your orders to: ATAA
Secretary, 21314 129th Ave SE, Snohomish, WA 98296 or email me at [email protected]
Ad in the February 2015 issue of Horse Illustrated Magazine, spearheaded by the ATAA.
2014 Promotions done by the ATAA: From the ATAA Newsletter, October 2014
Promotions Report – Tish Saare – HorseFlicks – We have a draft, will look at it after lunch.Expos – BetsyOct. 17th, Sabrina went to Heirloom Expo, Terri went to MN Horse expo and MN State Fair.$150 per event is available.Jas and Betsy might do the Rocky Mountain Expo.
2013 Promotions done by the ATAA:
HorseFlicks DVD - From the ATAA Newsletter, July 2013
The ATAA has been invited to participate in an American Livestock Breeds Conservancy (ALBC) Series titled ‘Extinction is Forever’, produced by HRTV and their production arm HorseFlicks TV.The intention of this series is to highlight the breeds on theCritical, Threatened, and Watch categoriesof the ALBC’s ConservationPriority List.As you know, the Akhal-Teke is listed as threatened on this list.
An Akhal-Teke film in this series is an excellent outreach and promotion opportunity to reach a large base of ‘horse’ viewers and get people interested in and involved with the breed.
HRTV is offering a ½ hour production highlighting the Akhal-Teke, to be aired atleast 18 times over a 36 month period (itcould air as many as 30 times with bonus episodes).HRTV is reaching our target audience.In addition, the ATAA may use the TV episode in its entirety on our website or on DVD, for our own marketing purposes.
We have contracted for 2 and most likely 3 film locations with HorseFlicks, to give everyone (OK, as many as possible) an opportunity to show off their horses.Right now we have a Pacific Northwest site at the Washington State Horse Park in Cle Elum, WA on August 10th, a Midwest site at Spring Creek Stables in Otsego, MN during the ATAA Conference on October 4th and we’re trying to plan one more day at the Kentucky Horse Park for our more southernly friends.
We’ve had a great response of donations, thank you to everyone for your support.We couldn’t do it without you!
Fast Forward to the ATAA newsletter, October 2013
HorseFlicks Update:We screened a draft of the new HorseFlicks DVD at the Conference.Overall, it was pronounced very good and only a few minor changes were suggested.We have ordered 1500 copies and will have them for sale soon, amount to be determined.Contact Tish to buy them at [email protected]
From the ATAA Newsletter, July 2013
Akhal-Tekes at the Western States Horse Exposition
Well, we did it and I think it was a great success!On June 7 – 9, the ATAA had a booth at the Western States Horse Expo in Sacramento, CA.The booth had photos and educational flyers and material, plus we brought two Akhal-Teke horses to show off and meet the public.We brought Atly, and eight year old buckskin gelding owned by Sabrina Impelido and Kooskia, a yearling palomino filly that is starting to grey, owned by Jack and Tish Saare with Pleasant Grove Akhal-Tekes.Despite the awful heat (on Saturday it was 109 degrees!), the horses did great.We did a 15 minute demonstration with the horses in the arena each day and we participated in the breed parade on Sunday.
From the ATAA Newsletter, October 2013
Promotions Committee: Tish Saare. Our big promotion for 2013 has been the HorseFlicks video filming.It is going very well, with 2 of 3 film shoots done at this time.We got donations for most of the expense and several people went above and beyond.There were quite a few Expos done this year with at least some ATAA help – either monetary or use of banners.Remember, the ATAA can put in $150 towards a member going to an expo, IF the request gets to us at least a month ahead of time.
The Kentucky horse park has two Akhal-Tekes on display now.
Magnatli, donated by Anne-Marie Rasch of Freedom Run Farms
Akhal-Spirit, Akhal Teke Gelding, donated by ATAA member Terri Fender of Shah'zedah Farms,
2 costumes donated by Amrita Ibold of Sweet Water Farms
1 women's headdress donated by Cathy Leddy of Cascade Gold Akhal-Tekes