Hi Everyone- The Akhal-Teke TV Episode airs again on HRTV, carried on Dish Network (Channel 404) as well as Verizon Fios, AT&T U-Verse, Cox Cable, Comcast and other major networks throughout the U.S., and always carried in real time on HRTV.com so you can see it globally to anyone with a high speed Internet connection.
And if you are interested in other HorseFlicksTV series, here is the near term schedule. All Times are Eastern Time. Enjoy! Saturday August 25th 8:30 AM HorseFlicks "Akhal-Teke: The Heavenly Horse"
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Hi All,
The FOTATA awards are going to be previewed at the conference - but not presented. The deadline for FOTATA program entries is in December, so there's still a lot of time left for fall riding and entering that program. I'm going to bring the awards for the FOTATA to the conference as a preview, but they will be sent to the recipients in December after the deadline expires. It's a totally different program from the ATAA registry awards. People are still competing internationally well into November. The ATAA awards will definitely be presented at the conference. I'll bring some nomination sheets with me, and some extra awards materials - in case people want to nominate someone right there at the conference. -Shannon. |
To subscribe to this blog and get the daily news, add us to your favorite RSS feed reader!AuthorAmrita Ibold owns Sweet Water Farm Akhal-Teke and is one of the lucky few to have AT's in her life... Archives
October 2013