June 14th, 15th and 16th was the Rare Breeds Show with the 15th as our Akhal-Teke Breed Day. We had 34 purebred Akhal-Tekes and 4 Akhal-Teke sporthorses compete. There were a few more registered, but they were scratched for one reason or another. We had, by far, the largest contingent of horses there; I think I saw that the Caspians had 7 horses there and the other breeds were only 1 to 4 or so (not totally sure at this point). We were so busy in the Reel Arena that we didn't get to see any of the other breeds competing, unless they were in the Jumper, Hunter, Historical Costume and Dressage classes, which all took place in the Reel Arena. We had some wonderful volunteers come (THANK YOU, couldn't do it without you!). Here are a few and I hope I don't miss anyone. Caroline Dudkowski - she was our outstanding volunteer, being a huge part of planning, hotel search, awards, classes and everything else before the actual show. At the show, she was our Jump Crew (several of us helped her out, but she did the lion's share of setting up, taking down, etc) AND she showed a horse and helped the Shenandoah Crew. I think she won a few of her classes too! Betsy Wandler - Betsy was our announcer for all three days and was handling 2 different radios going 2 different places, making class announcements, giving warnings in the barn for upcoming classes, coordinating with our in-gate person and the judge. I think she might have a career possibility there! Betsy also helped with set up of the show office and the ATAA booth and kept me sane all week! Jennifer Newman - Jennifer was there Tuesday and was our Out-Gate person, letting exhibitors out of the arena. Donna Haselow - Donna shared In-Gate duties, although I think she pretty much did it all on Wednesday and Thursday. She kept exhibitors coming into the arena smoothly and the warm up arena safe. Carol Sease - Carol was our scribe on Tuesday and showed a horse and helped the Shenandoah crew the other two days. Andy Hastings - Andy was the judge's scribe on Tuesday and Wednesday. Cindy Economou- helped at the In-Gate and the Out-Gate. Jonathan Jones - our ribbon runner, he kept the ribbons separated and brought the awards out to all the exhibitors. Katie and Ashley (no idea of their last names), were the SANA show secretaries, but they also took pity on me and did a lot of our show tracking, figured out the AT Most Versatile Teke and Teke Sporthorse. I think I'm missing a few people, as I remember them (or they contact me) I will update this. I will also have class placings, etc, although those might get in the ATAA July Newsletter first, we shall see. ![]() Betsy hard at work as our announcer. |
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June 2021