The park is looking to display an Akhal-Teke...the ATAA could buy one with the CD that will mature in 2014!
‘Hello, My name is Shelli Wright I am the Manager of the Horses of the World barn at the Kentucky Horse Park in Lexington Kentucky. We are currently looking to replace our Akhal-Teke horse and were wondering if your association would be able to help us find a suitable horse. We would need a sound gelding (preferably) that is trained and between the ages of 6 and 15 years. We have a presentation twice daily March through October; where we display different breeds of horses and talk about breed history. We would love to have a representative here on loan but would also except a donation. While the horse is here we maintain the horse's vaccinations and farrier work. The horse must come in current on vaccinations.’ One of the topics that will be talked about at the conference! Hi everyone,
We’ve gotten a great response in the first few days of announcing this wonderful opportunity for both the breed and YOU, BUT, to sign that contract, we need more: HORSES – EAST COAST- So far, we’ve only had a few people that will take their horses to the location on the East Coast. Unless we have more horses and especially more that can do something exciting, we’ll have to change or cancel that. If you could take your competition horse to Virginia (or if you have a better idea), please let us know as soon as possible. WEST COAST- We’re looking into several locations in Washington, but are getting a pretty good response. The more the merrier though, so if you think you can come, email me. MID WEST- We’re gotten a few more horses that will come to the Conference for filming, so that is looking good. MONEY- yes, money. We’ve had a great outpouring of support and have had over $2800 pledged so far, but that is a long way from $5800. Please, any amount will help! If you’re not sure what kind of production HorseFlicks can do, email me and I’ll send you a copy of the last one that was done, so you can see for yourself. The Akhal-Teke Horseflicks episode is one of their most popular and is still being played on National TV, 5 years after it was made, according to Jon Mays, the film director. This one could be even better. If you can pledge an amount, please contact me, Cathy Leddy at [email protected] or Terri Fender at [email protected] Thank you to everyone! Cathy The ATAA (Akhal-Teke Association of America) is spearheading a new HorseFlicks episode to run in an upcoming ALBC (American Livestock Breeds Conservancy) horse breeds TV series "Extinction is forever" to highlight the breeds in the Critical, Threatened, and Watch categories of our Conservation Priority List.
You may remember the original award-winning Akhal-Teke episode that was part of the HorseFlicks series, televised nationally and still running, as well as being available in DVD. That show focused on the breed history and on the first generations of Akhal-Tekes in America and we still use it as part of our promotional package. But there have been many more developments since then, with many more Akhal-Tekes articipating in an even greater variety of sports. As we all know, seeing Akhal-Tekes perform is much more inspiring and compelling than reading about it. So this time around, wouldn't you like to be in the movie? Here's how: We want to invite ALL Akhal-Teke owners (pure and partbred) to bring their horses to several US locations for filming. Horses should be in good condition, well behaved, and ready to demonstrate their skills for the camera. Right now, we need to find out who is willing to come. You do NOT have to be an ATAA member, you just need to love Akhal-Tekes and be willing and able to participate fully. Obviously that depends on the location. So far, the only definite shooting day is scheduled for Friday, October 4th in Minnesota as the first day of the ATAA Annual Conference, hosted by Terri Fender. We need two more locations that are both attractive and accessible and enough horses to make it interesting - here is what is available so far, but if you have a proposed venue, please add to the list. West Coast – possible sites: Sweet Water Farms on San Juan Island, somewhere in Oregon, Cascade Gold ATs (near Seattle). Please email me and let me know if you will participate and WHERE you would go to. East Coast- possible site: Central Asian Equines, in Buena Vista, VA – once again, email me and tell me if you’d go there and what your horses can do. Then there's the money. Although the ATAA is putting in $1,000 and we have at least another $1,000 donated already, the project needs at least 3,800 dollars more. Because the ATAA is a non profit 501 (C) 5 corporation, it can accept donations and any over-funding will go into the Promotions fund for our next endeavor. Our signing the contract with HorseFlicks will be based on having at least a reasonable amount of money raised and participants committed, as we need to make sure we can produce the best DVD possible. Jon Mays (the film maker) of HorseFlicks is utterly awesome – we will give him a framework of a story and let him do the editing and filling it out. People and horses will not be named, as this is not to promote any one breeder, farm, or horse. Donors will be listed in the credits. If you are interested but need more information, or think there is even a chance you might be able to participate, PLEASE email or call me, Cathy Leddy at 425-870-9789 or [email protected] or Terri Fender at 320-305-4292 or [email protected]. We would like to get as many people as possible involved in this exciting project. We hope to hear from you soon! Brought to the board:
Partbred gelding Sensational Scooby, a 1999 AT-TWH-Perc gelding application to be registered with the ATAA. His sire is deceased and was only bloodtyped. Scooby has been DNA'd. Scooby is a gelding and before gelded never sired offspring. The board voted to register Scooby. Yes, Catrina, Amrita, Tish, Betsy, Terri, Jas Passed and registration certificate sent to owner. Bylaws and Rules and Regs and Membership Directory (along with our great bumper sticker) has been sent to the membership. Registrations are rolling along, with several more pendings cleared up and several more new registrations in process. Tish is working on the HorseFlicks DVD and we should have an announcement to send out soon. Remember the July newsletter will be coming up, so get your farm reports, competition reports, foal photos etc in. Keep up the good work! Cathy |
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June 2021