It's time to renew your membership or join the ATAA to get into the Membership Directory!
Perks of membership: 1. Receive the ATAA Newsletter in either paper or electronic form (US only, foreign members electronic only) 2. Receive all mailings for the ATAA, including Bylaws and Rules and Regulations, Membership Directory and various other items 3. Get a listing in the Membership Directory 4. Ranch members are listed on the Breeder’s list on the ATAA website 5. Eligible for awards 6. Individual members get a classified ad in each newsletter and Ranch members get a ¼ page ad in each newsletter 7. Discounts on yearly ATAA Conferences 8. Able to use the Clubs and Associations insurance for public events 9. Belong to a positive community of Teke lovers We have a lot planned this year and are taking suggestions from members for promotions, new awards, Scholarships, upping the amount in the Incentive Fund, Shows, jumps at large venues and more. If you have an idea, contact one of your BOD members. Individual Members: $48 (by check or money order, renewing via Paypal adds a $2 fee) Ranch/Family Members: $80 or $82 via Paypal Friends Member (do not own or lease a Teke or Teke sporthorse): $25 or $27 via Paypal International Members: $48 or $50 via Paypal, electronic only. Make sure you are part of the conversation, we can't do it without you!
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June 2021