Hi everyone,
Here's an update on what we're working on: 1. January Newsletter - send in your info asap, I hope to have it done by the end of the month 2. CD maturing February 8th - should we do anything differently this year with it? 3. HorseFlicks Dvds supposed to ship to secretary on January 23rd - we should figure out a price to sell these 4. HorseFlicks photo CD to be sent to everyone that paid (back in 2013) 5. ATAA Survey results coming in - results will be published in the January newsletter and on the website and Facebook . 6. We've been asked to help an Iranian grad student get to a European Conference to present a paper on Akhal-Tekes, BOD is debating now. 7. Clubs and Associations Insurance has been renewed 8. Liability Bond has been renewed 9. MO registered Agent has been renewed 10. More registrations and transfers of ownership have been completed 11. First raffle (for early renewal/joining) by December 31st, 2014 has been held, winner is Sarah Savern. 12. KHP has offered us a Breeds Weekend promotion. Tish Saare is heading this. Several people have already expressed an interest. Keep up the good work ladies! Hi everyone,
I had my son draw the name of the ATAA Logowear Raffle Winner today. It's Sarah Savern, a new Friends member! Everyone that joined/renewed by December 31st (and Lifetime members) was in this raffle and will be put in the raffle for the half off Conference fee, to be drawn April 1st, 2015. The Membership Directory will be printed in April, so we're hoping everyone joins/renews before it goes to print. Thank you! Cathy |
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